“Did God Really Create?” is Friday March 21 at 6 pm. Register here for FREE (includes tasty dinner) and if you have any questions for our Q&A time, submit them on this form!
Our goal as a ministry is to help men have a REAL relationship with God that infiltrates EVERY part of their life and that they SHARE that relationship with others leading towards a transformed community.
You were created for community. Community with God and with other. As part of the 5 Ones, we challenge each man at Faith to be part of one of our small groups. Beyond being a great way to grow towards and in a faith in Jesus, it's also an amazing opportunity to meet some awesome new friends. Explore joining a small group today!
Men’s prayer time
Our vision as a church is to strengthen families towards a transformed community. As the men's ministry team, we recognize the essential role that prayer has in fulfilling this bold vision. We invite you to join us for weekly Men's Prayer Times. Follow the link at the bottom of this page to see upcoming prayer times in the event calendar.
Men’s Recreational Pickup Ball Hockey
Men ages 15+ are invited to come out most Mondays at 7 pm in the Gym at Faith Baptist Church. This is a recreational time where we get some exercise, play some hockey, and make some great new friends.
Men’s Coffeehouse at “The Door”
Every Wednesday morning from 7-9:30 am, we host a Men’s Coffeehouse at The Door at 18 Brunel Road in Huntsville. There’s no registration for this event, just arrive and enjoy some coffee and fellowship with other guys.