
All members of Faith Baptist Church can nominate an eligible member to fill one vacant voting elder position at our Annual General Meeting on September 29 at 6 pm in our Main Auditorium. The nomination process is online but you can also contact our main office if you would like to nominate by a different method. Members have been emailed instructions and a link so they can nominate an eligible member.

If you did not receive the email, please follow the link below to submit your nominations. The nomination form will also capture your name, email, and phone number. If your spouse has already logged into the browser to submit their nominations, you will need to log out before logging in yourself and submitting your nominations.

Elder nominations for 2024 are due by Sunday, September 15, 2024.

Thank you to each of our members for your engagement with our mission of leading people to faith and maturity in Jesus Christ. If you're not a member yet, explore membership at faithmuskoka.ca/membership.

If you have any questions or if you’d like to submit your nominations offline, please contact Jillian McDougall (jillian.mcdougall@faithmuskoka.ca, 705-789-2492).

You can also always reach out to the Elders Board directly at elders@faithmuskoka.ca.